Oops, we did it again. Yeah, NSMZ is still here and still kicking ass and taking names. In fact, we've added three new names to our staff this month. On top of Mark Allard-Will and Will Yannacoulias, Mark Hodgman whom some of you may know as the capable stickman of P.A. rockers The Hightailers, La Ronge based singer-songwriter Dara Schindelka, and our reviewer in Rhode Island Andrew Liles have joined our features writing team. This month they all brought very fresh perspectives to NSMZ and I am looking forward with much anticipation to what they will add to our staff as they evolve their own personal writing voices in the issues to come.
Speaking of Will, this month writer he continues his Behind The Curtain series with the Hillbilly Homestead and Reservoir Records, focusing the spotlight on those whose efforts support the music scene in ways other than as artists and performers. I'm actually very proud of all my staff members for how they continue to diversify the topics of their features. COVID19 has hit our industry hard and there's a variety of ways that we have been brainstorming ideas for features to help in these areas. Mark Allard-Will actually managed to get some amazing quotes from the Executive Director of SaskMusic. I mean, how cool is that?
At any rate, I hope you enjoy what we've done this month. Please continue to support us by reading all of our articles and liking and sharing and liking and sharing and liking and sharing and... You get the point right?
see you in the funny papers,
Scott Roos
(Managing Editor, NSMZ)