By Will Yannacoulias
Photos by Aaron Brown Photography

Last Wednesday iconic Midwest emo pioneers Tiny Moving Parts played a completely sold out show at the Black Cat Tavern in Saskatoon. From the first notes of the night the audience was completely energized and both opening bands, Saskatoon's GreenWing and Moose Jaw's Highwind, had the room jumping and singing along well before the headliners took the stage. I chatted with Highwind's Eric Taylor and GreenWing's Matt Stinn the next day about their unforgettable experience sharing the stage with a band they've both long admired.

"We literally flew Ehren in the day of the show, he arrived around 11:15 AM in Regina. I picked him up from the airport and we raced back to Moose Jaw to rehearse as many times as we could. Then pack everything up and race to Saskatoon where of course we got stopped by construction and had to go 80 for what felt like an eternity." -Eric, Highwind

"We arrived back home in Moose Jaw at 3:30 AM. On the drive home we were completely elated, glowing about how much fun it was, the highs and lows of our performance, things we loved and things we wanna work on--- for instance make sure that Ehren's overdrive pedal doesn't decide to die just before going on!" - Eric, Highwind

"We loved Greenwing's set, that was our first time seeing them as a four piece so that was cool! Tiny Moving Parts are such nice fellas and put on a hell of a show. They also really seemed to enjoy our set too which was great because usually you'd expect the touring band to not watch the openers." - Eric, Highwind

"It was pretty wild having so many compliments afterwards because we haven't played in Saskatoon since 2016 and when we did it was to maybe 30 people. Having people yelling the words back to us was a surreal feeling!" - Eric, Highwind

"The show was as good as we could have asked for, it felt like it was a really receptive crowd. A lot of people came out to see Tiny Moving Parts which is nice, it means we played for a lot of people who wouldn't hear us otherwise. We know the Highwind guys really well and it was nice catching up with them as well." - Matt, GreenWing

"It felt like a really good pairing with the three bands, a great energetic crowd who were willing to go crazy and have fun even though it was a Wednesday night. You could tell everyone was there to have a good time, they were right up front and didn't let up. The crowd only got rowdier as the night went on." -Matt, GreenWing

GreenWing are next appearing at Dive Bar in Edmonton August 25. Highwind are scheduled to play October 8 at The Exchange in Regina.
