by Scott Roos
Pics by Deanna Roos of Contingent Colours Photography

Hailing from the small town of Harris, Seven Mile Sun, the band formerly known as Better Than Nothing, have been able to carve out their own niche within the rock scene in the province. Featuring brother/sister duo Kevin and Kimberley Stevens on Guitar/vocals and drums/backing vocals respectively and with bassist Joanne Genest capably filling in their sound, the group reached new heights with the release of their debut ep Light in the Dark.
Sonically, the trio grooves to a high voltage style rock n roll that tips its cap to bands of similar ilk like The Glorious Sons and Rival Sons. Coupled with Kevin's deeply personal lyrics and a kickass live show and it should be easy to see why they have such universal appeal.
*Joanne Genest, Kevin Stevens and Kimberley Stevens rocked the Capitol music club last month!