by Hot Dog Helen
photo by Deanna Roos of Contingent Colours Photography
*the opinions expressed within this column are solely those of Hot Dog Helen and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of NSMZ.*

Hi! Hot dog Helen here! It’s that time of year again. Back to school. It’s always exciting starting a new school year! I’m here to give you a hot dog’s school survival guide.
First of all I’d get to bed early. Get yourself into a good sleep schedule and you’ll be ready to tackle the school day.
Second, eat a good and healthy breakfast. I’d suggest my cousin the sausage. Eating a good breakfast will fuel your brain and give you energy.
Next, prepare yourself for the next day. Choose what you’d like to wear for the next day. Pack a healthy, nutritious lunch. It’s always less stressful in the morning if you prepare the night before.
Finally, have fun! Make new friends. Learn something new everyday! School is exciting.
Happy learning!
Hot Dog Helen